The Early Days of Liverpool The book was written by renowned historian William Freame and originally published in 1916. It was the first attempt to capture the history of Liverpool in detail. Our society has republished this amazing book with the addition of period photos and an index. | |
| Price : $15.00 |
Liverpool 1810-1939 The Story of an Historic Town was originally published in 1939. Written by the founders of the society, Ward and Olive Havard, it is a great insight into the Liverpool of 1939 as well as telling the story of the founding of Liverpool. | |
| Price : $20.00 |
Liverpool and District The History of Liverpool is brought to life in pictures with this great book by Carol Liston. | |
| Price : $25.00 |
Recollections of Old Liverpool Recollections of Old Liverpool is a collection of diaries, memories, journals and articles describing life in Liverpool in the 19 Century. | |
| price : $15.00 |
Postcards We have a great range of heritage postcards with scenes of old Liverpool. | |
| only $1.00 each or $20.00 a set of 22 |