Our Location

Liverpool Historical Society Centre

In 2024, thanks to the generosity of Liverpool City Council, the Society now has a home that in the words of Governor Lachlan Macquarie is ‘fit for the purpose’.

The Liverpool Historical Society Centre is our multi-purpose home providing archival storage, workspace, office, a meeting room and a museum which is on the site of Liverpool’s very first public building built in 1812, the multi-purpose court house, school house, place of worship and meeting place.

With our substantial archival collection of more than 10,000 items, we can now permanently display some of the highlights of our collection to tell the history of Liverpool for residents and visitors to Liverpool to enjoy, learn and understand our rich and unique history.

The objects selected had to reflect the social development of Liverpool throughout its long timeline; from a convict made brick recovered from the lost 1830s Sophienburg Estate,  an entry token to the Liverpool Memorial Olympic Pool to the very personal such as Merv Pickering’s Liverpool Bowling Club hat.

They each tell their own story of Liverpool’s Governmental, educational, business, sporting, military, religious and social institutions.


We are open every Saturday between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm from February to December or by appointment.
Contact Glen Ph. 0403107496


We are located at the rear of the Hilda M Davis Senior Citizens Centre, 185 Bigge Street.
Enter from Dewsbury Lane.